polyglot.cl_utils module

Documentation for polyglot can be found here: http://pypolyglot.readthedocs.org/en/stable

Translate documents and webpages to various markup languages and document formats (html, epub, mobi ..)

polyglot init polyglot [-oc] (pdf|html|epub|mobi) <url> [<destinationFolder> -f <filename> -s <pathToSettingsFile>] polyglot kindle <url> [-f <filename> -s <pathToSettingsFile>] polyglot [-o] (epub|mobi) <docx> [<destinationFolder> -f <filename> -s <pathToSettingsFile>] polyglot kindle <docx> [-f <filename> -s <pathToSettingsFile>] polyglot [-o] kindleNB2MD <notebook> [<destinationFolder> -s <pathToSettingsFile>]

init setup the polyglot settings file for the first time pdf print webpage to pdf html parse and download webpage to a local HTML document epub generate an epub format book from a webpage URL kindle send webpage article straight to kindle

-h, --help show this help message
-v, --version show version
-o, --open open the document after creation
-c, --clean add polyglot’s clean styling to the output document

<url> the url of the article’s webpage <docx> path to a DOCX file -s <pathToSettingsFile>, –settings <pathToSettingsFile> path to alternative settings file (optional) <destinationFolder> the folder to save the parsed PDF or HTML document to (optional) -f <filename>, –filename <filename> the name of the file to save, otherwise use webpage title as filename (optional)


The main function used when ``cl_utils.py`` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command