Source code for polyglot.cl_utils

# encoding: utf-8
Documentation for polyglot can be found here:

Translate documents and webpages to various markup languages and document formats (html, epub, mobi ..)

    polyglot init
    polyglot [-oc] (pdf|html|epub|mobi) <url> [<destinationFolder> -f <filename> -s <pathToSettingsFile>]
    polyglot kindle <url> [-f <filename> -s <pathToSettingsFile>]
    polyglot [-o] (epub|mobi) <docx> [<destinationFolder> -f <filename> -s <pathToSettingsFile>]
    polyglot kindle <docx> [-f <filename> -s <pathToSettingsFile>]
    polyglot [-o] kindleNB2MD <notebook> [<destinationFolder> -s <pathToSettingsFile>]

    init                                                            setup the polyglot settings file for the first time
    pdf                                                             print webpage to pdf
    html                                                            parse and download webpage to a local HTML document
    epub                                                            generate an epub format book from a webpage URL
    kindle                                                          send webpage article straight to kindle

    -h, --help                                                      show this help message
    -v, --version                                                   show version
    -o, --open                                                      open the document after creation
    -c, --clean                                                     add polyglot's clean styling to the output document
    <url>                                                           the url of the article's webpage
    <docx>                                                          path to a DOCX file
    -s <pathToSettingsFile>, --settings <pathToSettingsFile>        path to alternative settings file (optional)
    <destinationFolder>                                             the folder to save the parsed PDF or HTML document to (optional)
    -f <filename>, --filename <filename>                            the name of the file to save, otherwise use webpage title as filename (optional)
################# GLOBAL IMPORTS ####################
import sys
import os
os.environ['TERM'] = 'vt100'
import readline
import glob
import pickle
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from docopt import docopt
from fundamentals import tools, times
from polyglot import printpdf
from polyglot import htmlCleaner
# from ..__init__ import *

[docs]def main(arguments=None): """ *The main function used when ```` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command* """ # setup the command-line util settings su = tools( arguments=arguments, docString=__doc__, logLevel="WARNING", options_first=False, projectName="polyglot" ) arguments, settings, log, dbConn = su.setup() # unpack remaining cl arguments using `exec` to setup the variable names # automatically for arg, val in arguments.iteritems(): if arg[0] == "-": varname = arg.replace("-", "") + "Flag" else: varname = arg.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") if isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode): exec(varname + " = '%s'" % (val,)) else: exec(varname + " = %s" % (val,)) if arg == "--dbConn": dbConn = val log.debug('%s = %s' % (varname, val,)) ## START LOGGING ## startTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() '--- STARTING TO RUN THE AT %s' % (startTime,)) # for k, v in locals().iteritems(): # print k, v if not destinationFolder: destinationFolder = os.getcwd() if not filenameFlag: filenameFlag = False if not cleanFlag: readability = False else: readability = True if init: from os.path import expanduser home = expanduser("~") filepath = home + "/.config/polyglot/polyglot.yaml" try: cmd = """open %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass try: cmd = """start %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass if pdf and url: filepath = printpdf.printpdf( log=log, settings=settings, url=url, folderpath=destinationFolder, title=filenameFlag, append=False, readability=readability ).get() if html and url: cleaner = htmlCleaner.htmlCleaner( log=log, settings=settings, url=url, outputDirectory=destinationFolder, title=filenameFlag, # SET TO FALSE TO USE WEBPAGE TITLE, style=cleanFlag, # add polyglot's styling to the HTML document metadata=True, # include metadata in generated HTML (e.g. title), h1=True # include title as H1 at the top of the doc ) filepath = cleaner.clean() if epub: if url: iinput = url else: iinput = docx from polyglot import ebook epub = ebook( log=log, settings=settings, urlOrPath=iinput, title=filenameFlag, bookFormat="epub", outputDirectory=destinationFolder ) filepath = epub.get() if mobi: if url: iinput = url else: iinput = docx from polyglot import ebook mobi = ebook( log=log, settings=settings, urlOrPath=iinput, title=filenameFlag, bookFormat="mobi", outputDirectory=destinationFolder, ) filepath = mobi.get() if kindle: if url: iinput = url else: iinput = docx from polyglot import kindle sender = kindle( log=log, settings=settings, urlOrPath=iinput, title=filenameFlag ) success = sender.send() if kindleNB2MD: basename = os.path.basename(notebook) extension = os.path.splitext(basename)[1] filenameNoExtension = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] if destinationFolder: filepath = destinationFolder + "/" + filenameNoExtension + ".md" else: filepath = notebook.replace("." + extension, ".md") from polyglot.markdown import kindle_notebook nb = kindle_notebook( log=log, kindleExportPath=notebook, outputPath=filepath ) nb.convert() if openFlag: try: cmd = """open %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass try: cmd = """start %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass if "dbConn" in locals() and dbConn: dbConn.commit() dbConn.close() ## FINISH LOGGING ## endTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() runningTime = times.calculate_time_difference(startTime, endTime)'-- FINISHED ATTEMPT TO RUN THE AT %s (RUNTIME: %s) --' % (endTime, runningTime, )) return
if __name__ == '__main__': main()