Source code for polyglot.htmlCleaner

# encoding: utf-8
*using the Mercury Parser API to clean up a local html file*

    David Young

:Date Created:
    October  1, 2016
################# GLOBAL IMPORTS ####################
import sys
import os
import codecs
import re
os.environ['TERM'] = 'vt100'
from fundamentals import tools
import requests
from fundamentals.files.tag import tag

[docs]class htmlCleaner(): """ *A parser/cleaner to strip a webpage article of all cruft and neatly present it with some nice css* **Key Arguments:** - ``log`` -- logger - ``settings`` -- the settings dictionary - ``url`` -- the URL to the HTML page to parse and clean - ``outputDirectory`` -- path to the directory to save the output html file to - ``title`` -- title of the document to save. If *False* will take the title of the HTML page as the filename. Default *False*. - ``style`` -- add polyglot's styling to the HTML document. Default *True* - ``metadata`` -- include metadata in generated HTML. Default *True* - ``h1`` -- include title as H1 at the top of the doc. Default *True* **Usage:** To generate the HTML page, using the title of the webpage as the filename: .. code-block:: python from polyglot import htmlCleaner cleaner = htmlCleaner( log=log, settings=settings, url="", outputDirectory="/tmp" ) cleaner.clean() Or specify the title of the document and remove styling, metadata and title: .. code-block:: python from polyglot import htmlCleaner cleaner = htmlCleaner( log=log, settings=settings, url="", outputDirectory="/tmp", title="my_clean_doc", style=False, metadata=False, h1=False ) cleaner.clean() """ # INITIALISATION
[docs] def __init__( self, log, settings, url, outputDirectory=False, title=False, style=True, metadata=True, h1=True ): self.log = log log.debug("instansiating a new 'htmlCleaner' object") self.settings = settings self.url = url self.outputDirectory = outputDirectory self.title = title = style self.metadata = metadata self.h1 = h1 # INITIAL ACTIONS return None
[docs] def clean( self): """*parse and clean the html document with Mercury Parser* **Return:** - ``filePath`` -- path to the cleaned HTML document **Usage:** See class usage """'starting the ``clean`` method') url = self.url # PARSE THE CONTENT OF THE WEBPAGE AT THE URL parser_response = self._request_parsed_article_from_mercury(url) if "503" in str(parser_response): return None article = parser_response.json() if not article: return None # GRAB THE CSS USED TO STYLE THE WEBPAGE/PDF CONTENT if moduleDirectory = os.path.dirname(__file__) cssFile = moduleDirectory + "/css/main.css" pathToReadFile = cssFile readFile =, encoding='utf-8', mode='r') thisCss = readFile.close() else: thisCss = "" # CATCH ERRORS if "error" in article and article["error"] == True: print url print " " + article["messages"] return None try: text = article["content"] except: print "Can't decode the text of %(url)s - moving on" % locals() return None # COMMON FIXES TO HTML TO RENDER CORRECTLY regex = re.compile( u'<span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">.*"mw-editsection-bracket">]') text = regex.sub(u"", text) regex2 = re.compile( u'\<sup class="noprint.*betterĀ sourceĀ needed\<\/span\>\<\/a\>\<\/i\>\]\<\/sup\>', re.I) text = regex2.sub(u"", text) regex2 = re.compile( u'\<a href="https\:\/\/en\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/.*(\#.*)"\>\<span class=\"tocnumber\"\>', re.I) text = regex2.sub(u'<a href="\g<1>"><span class="tocnumber">', text) regex = re.compile( u'srcset=".*?">') text = regex.sub(u"", text) # GRAB HTML TITLE IF NOT SET IN ARGUMENTS if self.title == False: title = article["title"].encode("utf-8", "ignore") title = title.decode("utf-8") title = title.encode("ascii", "ignore") rstrings = """:/"&\\'`""" for i in rstrings: title = title.replace(i, "") # USE DATETIME IF TITLE STILL NOT SET if len(title) == 0: from datetime import datetime, date, time now = title = now.strftime("%Y%m%dt%H%M%S") self.title = title title = self.title.replace(".html", "") pageTitle = title.replace("_", " ") # REGENERATE THE HTML DOCUMENT WITH CUSTOM STYLE filePath = self.outputDirectory + "/" + title + ".html" writeFile = filePath, encoding='utf-8', mode='w') if self.metadata: metadata = "<title>%(title)s</title>" % locals() else: metadata = "" if self.h1: h1 = "<h1>%(pageTitle)s</h1>" % locals() else: h1 = "" content = u""" <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> %(metadata)s <style> %(thisCss)s </style> </head> <body> %(h1)s <a href="%(url)s">original source</a> </br></br> %(text)s </body> </html>""" % locals() writeFile.write(content) writeFile.close()'completed the ``clean`` method') tag( log=self.log, filepath=filePath, tags=False, rating=False, wherefrom=self.url ) return filePath
def _request_parsed_article_from_mercury( self, url): """* request parsed article from mercury* **Key Arguments:** - ``url`` -- the URL to the HTML page to parse and clean **Return:** - None **Usage:** .. todo:: - add usage info - create a sublime snippet for usage - update package tutorial if needed .. code-block:: python usage code """ 'starting the ``_request_parsed_article_from_mercury`` method') try: response = requests.get( url="", params={ "url": url, }, headers={ "x-api-key": self.settings["mercury api key"], }, ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print('HTTP Request failed') 'completed the ``_request_parsed_article_from_mercury`` method') return response
# use the tab-trigger below for new method # xt-class-method