Source code for polyglot.markdown.translate

# encoding: utf-8
*convert plain-text blocks into various markdown elements*

    David Young

:Date Created:
    February 26, 2017
################# GLOBAL IMPORTS ####################
import sys
import os
import re
os.environ['TERM'] = 'vt100'
from fundamentals import tools
from datetime import datetime, date, time
from random import randint

[docs]class translate(): """ *The Multimarkdown translator object* **Key Arguments:** - ``log`` -- logger - ``settings`` -- the settings dictionary **Usage:** To setup your logger, settings and database connections, please use the ``fundamentals`` package (`see tutorial here <>`_). To initiate a ``translate`` object, use the following: .. code-block:: python from polyglot.markdown import translate md = translate( log=log, settings=settings ) """ # Initialisation
[docs] def __init__( self, log, settings=False, ): self.log = log log.debug("instansiating a new 'translate' object") self.settings = settings self.reWS = re.compile(r'^(\s*)(\S.*?)(\s*)$', re.S) # xt-self-arg-tmpx return None
[docs] def bold( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD bolded text* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD bold **Return:** - ``text`` -- the bolded text **Usage:** To convert a text block to bolded text: .. code-block:: python text = md.bold(" nice day! ") print text # OUTPUT: **nice day!** """ return self._surround(text, "**", "**")
[docs] def em( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD italicised text* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD italics **Return:** - ``text`` -- the emphasised text **Usage:** To convert a text block to emphasised text: .. code-block:: python text = md.em(" nice day! ") print text # OUTPUT: _nice day!_ """ return self._surround(text, "_", "_")
[docs] def underline( self, text): """*convert plain-text to HTML underline text* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to HTML underlined **Return:** - ``text`` -- the underlined text **Usage:** To convert a text block to underlined text: .. code-block:: python text = md.underline(" nice day! ") print text # OUTPUT: <u>nice day!</u> """ return self._surround(text, "<u>", "</u>")
[docs] def strike( self, text): """*convert plain-text to HTML strike-through text* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to HTML strike-through **Return:** - ``text`` -- the strike-through text **Usage:** To convert a text block to strike-through text: .. code-block:: python text = md.strike(" nice day! ") print text # OUTPUT: <s>nice day!</s> """ return self._surround(text, "<s>", "</s>")
[docs] def hl( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD critical markup highlighted text* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD highlighted text **Return:** - ``text`` -- the highlighted text **Usage:** To convert a text block to highlighted text: .. code-block:: python text = md.hl(" nice day! ") print text # OUTPUT: {==nice day!==} """ return self._surround(text, "{==", "==}")
[docs] def code( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD inline-code text* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD inline-code text **Return:** - ``text`` -- the inline-code text **Usage:** To convert a text block to inline-code text: .. code-block:: python text = md.code(" nice day! ") print text # OUTPUT: `nice day!` """ return self._surround(text, "`", "`")
[docs] def comment( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD comment* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD comment **Return:** - ``text`` -- the comment text **Usage:** To convert a text block to comment text: .. code-block:: python text = md.comment(" nice day! ") print text # OUTPUT: {>>nice day!<<} """ return self._surround(text, "{>>", "<<}")
[docs] def footnote( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD footnote* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD footnote **Return:** - ``text`` -- the footnote text **Usage:** To convert a text block to footnote text: .. code-block:: python text = md.footnote(" nice day! ") print text # OUTPUT: [^20170228T21:57:40-99] # # [^20170228T21:57:40-99]: nice day! """ rand = str(randint(0, 99)) now = now = now.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S-") + rand text = text.strip() regex = re.compile(r'\n(\S)') text = regex.sub("\n \g<1>", text) return "[^%(now)s]\n\n[^%(now)s]: %(text)s\n\n" % locals()
[docs] def glossary( self, term, definition): """*genarate a MMD glossary* **Key Arguments:** - ``term`` -- the term to add as a glossary item - ``definition`` -- the definition of the glossary term **Return:** - ``glossary`` -- the glossary text **Usage:** To genarate a glossary item: .. code-block:: python text = \"\"\"Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae. Also the makers of really great products.\"\"\" definition = md.glossary("Apple", text) print definition # OUTPUT: # [^apple] # # [^apple]: Apple # Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae. # Also the makers of really great products. """ term = term.strip() term = term.lower() title = term.title() definition = definition.strip() regex = re.compile(r'\n(\S)') definition = regex.sub("\n \g<1>", definition) return "[^%(term)s]\n\n[^%(term)s]: %(title)s\n %(definition)s" % locals()
[docs] def cite( self, title, author=False, year=False, url=False, publisher=False, mediaKind=False, linkedText=False, nocite=False): """*generate a MMD citation* **Key Arguments:** - ``title`` -- the citation title - ``author`` -- the author. Dafault *False* - ``year`` -- year published. Dafault *False* - ``url`` -- url to the media. Dafault *False* - ``publisher`` -- the publisher of the media. Dafault *False* - ``mediaKind`` -- what kind of media is it?. Dafault *False* - ``linkedText`` -- the text to link to the citation. Dafault *False/blank* - ``nocite`` -- a give citation that has no reference in main doc **Return:** - ``citation`` -- the MMD citation **Usage:** To generate a MMD citation: .. code-block:: python citation = md.cite( title="A very good book", author="John Doe", year=2015, url="", publisher="Beefy Books", mediaKind=False, linkedText="Doe 2015") print citation # OUTPUT: [Doe 2015][#averygoodbook90] # # [#averygoodbook90]: John Doe. *[A Very Good Book](*. Beefy Books, 2015. """ rand = str(randint(0, 100)) anchor = title.replace(" ", "").lower() title = title.title() citation = "" if author: author = author.title() + ". " else: author = "" if title[-1] == ".": title = title[:-1] if url: title = "*[%(title)s](%(url)s)*. " % locals() else: title = "*%(title)s*." % locals() if publisher and year: publisher = "%(publisher)s, %(year)s. " % locals() elif publisher: publisher = "%(publisher)s. " % locals() elif year: publisher = "%(year)s. " % locals() else: publisher = "" if mediaKind: mediaKind = "(%(mediaKind)s) " % locals() mediaKind = mediaKind.lower() else: mediaKind = "" if not linkedText: linkedText = "" if nocite: linkedText = "Not Cited" return "[%(linkedText)s][#%(anchor)s%(rand)s]\n\n[#%(anchor)s%(rand)s]: %(author)s%(title)s%(publisher)s%(mediaKind)s" % locals()
[docs] def url( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD clickable URL* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD clickable URL **Return:** - ``text`` -- the URL text **Usage:** To convert a text block to MMD clickable URL: .. code-block:: python text = md.url(" ") print text # OUTPUT: <> """ return self._surround(text, "<", ">")
[docs] def math_inline( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD inline math* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD inline math **Return:** - ``math`` -- the inline math text **Usage:** To convert a text to MMD inline math: .. code-block:: python text = md.math_inline("{e}^{i\pi }+1=0") print text # OUTPUT: ${e}^{i\pi }+1=0$ """ return self._surround(text, "$", "$")
[docs] def math_block( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD math block* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD math block **Return:** - ``math`` -- the math block text **Usage:** To convert a text to MMD math block: .. code-block:: python text = md.math_inline("{e}^{i\pi }+1=0") print text # OUTPUT: $${e}^{i\pi }+1=0$$ """ return self._surround(text, "\n\n$$", "$$\n\n")
[docs] def header( self, text, level): """*convert plain-text to MMD header* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD header - ``level`` -- the header level to convert the text to **Return:** - ``header`` -- the MMD header **Usage:** To convert a text MMD header: .. code-block:: python header = md.header(" This is my header ", level=3) print header # OUTPUT: # ### This is my header # """ m = self.reWS.match(text) prefix = text = suffix = return "#" * level + " %(text)s \n" % locals()
[docs] def definition( self, text, definition): """*genarate a MMD definition* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to define - ``definition`` -- the definition **Return:** - ``definition`` -- the MMD style definition **Usage:** To genarate a MMD definition: .. code-block:: python text = \"\"\"Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae. Also the makers of really great products.\"\"\" definition = md.definition("Apple", text) print definition # OUTPUT: # Apple # : Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae. # Also the makers of really great products. # """ text = text.strip() definition = definition.strip() regex = re.compile(r'\n(\S)') definition = regex.sub("\n \g<1>", definition) return "%(text)s\n: %(definition)s" % locals()
[docs] def image( self, url, title="", width=800): """*create MMD image link* **Key Arguments:** - ``title`` -- the title for the image - ``url`` -- the image URL - ``width`` -- the width in pixels of the image. Default *800* **Return:** - ``imageLink`` -- the MMD image link **Usage:** To create a MMD image link: .. code-block:: python imageLink = md.image( "", "thespacedoctor icon", 400) print imageLink # OUTPUT: # ![thespacedoctor icon][thespacedoctor icon 20170228t130146.472262] # # [thespacedoctor icon 20170228t130146.472262]: "thespacedoctor icon" width=400px # """ title = title.strip() caption = title now = figId = now.strftime("%Y%m%dt%H%M%S.%f") if len(title): figId = "%(title)s %(figId)s" % locals() imageLink = """\n\n![%(caption)s][%(figId)s] [%(figId)s]: %(url)s "%(title)s" width=%(width)spx\n\n""" % locals() return imageLink
[docs] def blockquote( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD blockquote* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD blockquote **Return:** - ``blockquote`` -- the MMD blockquote **Usage:** To convert a text to a MMD blockquote: .. code-block:: python text = md.quote(" This is my quote ") print text # OUTPUT: # > This is my quote # """ m = self.reWS.match(text) return "\n> " + ("\n> ").join("\n")) + "\n\n"
[docs] def ul( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD unordered list* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD unordered list **Return:** - ``ul`` -- the MMD unordered list **Usage:** To convert text to a MMD unordered list: .. code-block:: python ul = md.ul(" This is a list item ") print ul # OUTPUT: # * This is a list item # """ m = self.reWS.match(text) ul = [] for l in"\n"): prefix, text, suffix = self._snip_whitespace(l) ul.append("%(prefix)s* %(text)s " % locals()) return ("\n").join(ul) + "\n\n"
[docs] def ol( self, text): """*convert plain-text to MMD ordered list* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD ordered list **Return:** - ``ol`` -- the MMD ordered list **Usage:** To convert text to MMD ordered list: .. code-block:: python ol = md.ol(" This is a list item ") print ol # OUTPUT: # 1. This is a list item # """ m = self.reWS.match(text) ol = [] for thisIndex, l in enumerate("\n")): thisIndex += 1 prefix, text, suffix = self._snip_whitespace(l) ol.append("%(prefix)s%(thisIndex)s. %(text)s " % locals()) return ("\n").join(ol) + "\n\n"
[docs] def codeblock( self, text, lang=""): """*convert plain-text to MMD fenced codeblock* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to convert to MMD fenced codeblock - ``lang`` -- the code language for syntax highlighting. Default *''* **Return:** - ``text`` -- the MMD fenced codeblock **Usage:** To convert a text block to comment text: .. code-block:: python text = md.codeblock("def main()", "python") print text # OUTPUT: # ```python # def main() # ``` """ reRemoveNewline = re.compile(r'^(\s*\n)?([^\n].*?)\s*$', re.S) m = reRemoveNewline.match(text) text = return "\n```%(lang)s\n%(text)s\n```\n" % locals()
def _snip_whitespace( self, text): """*snip the whitespace at the start and end of the text* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to snip **Return:** - ``prefix``, ``text``, ``suffix`` -- the starting whitespace, text and endding whitespace """'starting the ``_snip_whitespace`` method') m = self.reWS.match(text) prefix = text = suffix ='completed the ``_snip_whitespace`` method') return prefix, text, suffix def _surround( self, text, left, right): """*surround text with given characters* **Key Arguments:** - ``text`` -- the text to surround. - ``left`` -- characters to the left of text - ``right`` -- characters to the right of text **Return:** - ``text`` -- the surronded text """'starting the ``_surround`` method') prefix, text, suffix = self._snip_whitespace(text) text = text.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n").replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n").replace( "\n\n\n", "\n\n").replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n").replace("\n\n", "%(right)s\n\n%(left)s" % locals()) text = """%(prefix)s%(left)s%(text)s%(right)s%(suffix)s""" % locals()'completed the ``_surround`` method') return text
# use the tab-trigger below for new method # xt-class-method