polyglot.markdown.translate (class)

class polyglot.markdown.translate(log, settings=False)[source]

The Multimarkdown translator object

Key Arguments:
  • log – logger
  • settings – the settings dictionary


To setup your logger, settings and database connections, please use the fundamentals package (see tutorial here).

To initiate a translate object, use the following:

from polyglot.markdown import translate
md = translate(
__init__(log, settings=False)[source]


__init__(log[, settings])
blockquote(text) convert plain-text to MMD blockquote
bold(text) convert plain-text to MMD bolded text
cite(title[, author, year, url, publisher, ...]) generate a MMD citation
code(text) convert plain-text to MMD inline-code text
codeblock(text[, lang]) convert plain-text to MMD fenced codeblock
comment(text) convert plain-text to MMD comment
definition(text, definition) genarate a MMD definition
em(text) convert plain-text to MMD italicised text
footnote(text) convert plain-text to MMD footnote
glossary(term, definition) genarate a MMD glossary
header(text, level) convert plain-text to MMD header
headerLink(headerText[, text]) generate a link to a MMD header
hl(text) convert plain-text to MMD critical markup highlighted text
image(url[, title, width]) create MMD image link
inline_link(text, url) generate a MMD sytle link
math_block(text) convert plain-text to MMD math block
math_inline(text) convert plain-text to MMD inline math
ol(text) convert plain-text to MMD ordered list
strike(text) convert plain-text to HTML strike-through text
ul(text) convert plain-text to MMD unordered list
underline(text) convert plain-text to HTML underline text
url(text) convert plain-text to MMD clickable URL